Hi all~~
Hope you enjoy visiting this blog...
and yeah, i have a little minor blog
it contain all the lyric that i translated/taken fr other site...
N all the lyrics here are taken from that minor blog of mine.. ^^
if you want to check the lyrics, just drop by... ^^
it's here

Thursday, December 17, 2009

[VID]Cho Kyu Chan - I Love You Remake David Tao - 愛很簡單 ??

I dont know if i should bring this up or not....
But, i kinda irritated when people say Cho Kyu Chan sang that really nice..
They might be never hear the original version... I LOVE THIS SONG!! (The original one)
Well, Korean made me confuse sometimes, like this couple of song,
FinKL song - To My Boyfriend and Yuki Hsu - Call Me..
Dong Hua by Guang Liang, and who it is which sang it in Korean...
and now, this one... T^T...

Well, enough with that...
here you go, so u can see, n tell which one are better...
Cho Kyu Chan - I Love You

David Tao - 愛很簡單

Note : udah marah2, trus liat di site orang ada yg nulis ini remake David Tao... Kecele banget...!! T^T

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